Monday, March 19, 2012

"It Seemed to Work": Teacher Tries to Cool Off 2 Students Who Were "Kissing and Hugging" in the Hall by Splashing The Pair with a Big Bucket of Water!

This'll teach 'em not to try stealing a smoocheroo down outside the Home Ec room!!! And ol' Teach apparently couldn't be more proud of himself for this piece of work...

The whole agua incident (links at bottom) went down after Teach (an unnamed male teacher at a Nashville, Tennessee's John Overton High School) spied a 16-year-old and 17-year-old hugging and (allegedly) smoochin' out in a school hallway. That's against school rules, you know.

Of course, Teach could've always told the touchin' twosome to stop. Or to go their separate ways (worlds apart). Or even to make a beeline to the principal's office. But why take any of those rather mundane, cliched courses of action when you can make a much bigger splash through alternative correctional methods?

So Teach reportedly grabbed the nearest big bucket of water (which always seem to be lying around high school hallways) and tossed its contents right on the kissin' school kids as they stood there in each other's embrace. (No word whether Teach might have shouted, "Now You're All Wet!", after delivering the dousing).

Having gotten the touchy tandem more wet than a shithouse built out on a Mississippi jetty, Teach still seemed none too remorseful in commenting on the incident after the fact on Facebook (since, of course, if you're in trouble with an employer or the law, Facebook is always the first place you should head to talk about it). Said Teach:

"I got in trouble at school today. I threw a bucket of water on two kids hugging in the hallway of the high school where I plan to send my oldest daughter next year. It seemed to work and they stopped."

Mission Accomplished, indeed. Except in the eyes of the school (Teach's been suspended). And except in the eyes of the two teens and their parents (who are all reportedly enraged).

One parent, doing her best Elephant Man impersonation, said Teach had no business treating Sonny and his teen broad like a domesticated pet: "They are not dogs. That is what you do to dogs, and they are not animals!"

Mama also says Sonny is positively "raging" over the incident. I just hope the boy ain't trying to bottle all that up inside. Head to Facebook, young man! Let 'em all know whatcha think, just like ol' Teach did! (I need my next blog topic, after all.)