If that don't absolutely beat a pig a-peckin'! She's 30-year-old Korean "artist" Miru Kim, and visitors to the Art Basel Miami Beach art show didn't exactly have to buy a pig in a poke this week to see her (all of her). Nothing hidden. They could see it all right through the display glass!
It's all a part of Kim's art exhibit (entitled "I Like Pigs and Pigs Like Me"), which has this stark-naked swine lover "staying in a pen" with a couple of pigs for 104 straight hours like some deranged version of a BLT sandwich eaten from a trough. She won't be fittin' to roll with a pig after that!
The makeshift pig pen and its bare-skinned inhabitant are prominently featured at the front of the art show, allowing visitors (apparently including some little kids; see below) to gawk at the buck naked boar lady to their little hearts' content.
Now you might think that Kim's intentions here stretch little past the obvious one of garnering Net publicity and having demented blogsters write about her. After all, her previous "work" has been highly exhibitionist and has included being photographed nude in an oddball assortment of strange places, such as on top of abandoned buildings (see below), in old tunnels and on bridges.
However, Kim claims she also has artistic intentions here as well that extend beyond merely showing off her porkbelly:
"When I mingle with pigs, I feel my existence more than ever," she oinked. And that's fine, I guess, so long as we don't have to smell her existence in that pig pen.
Kim says she developed a "strong attachment" to pigs when she watched one get dissected in a classroom while she was a student at Columbia University in New York. Because, after all, there's little that tends to bond man to animal more than seeing the animal's dead carcass get its guts hacked into by Professor Plumb down in Biology 101.
Explaining further, Kim says that prior pig dissection
"is when I noticed that their anatomy and skin color is close to ours." This raises a good point, since come to think of it -- my snout, hooves and pointy ears really aren't all that far removed from those of a pig. Stick a fork in this side of bacon, I'm done!
This reportedly ain't the first time Kim's entered the ol' pig pen, either, as she makes a regular practice of entering the pen and rolling around in the muck and mire:
"Pigs are sensitive, intelligent creatures and when I enter the pen with them on these farms they react with fear or curiosity at first," squealed Kim.
But she says she wanted to do a live performance this time since damn pesky still photographs can only tell you so much:
"I want people to feel the process of my body mingling with pigs, the sense of touch that is harder to grasp in the final photographs." And since I know about as much about living with pigs as a hog knows about Sunday, I'm just gonna have to trust her on that one.