Tuesday, September 13, 2011

She Goes Ape for Her Smokes: "Orangutan Is Kicked Out of Zoo for Smoking" and Munching on Rubbish! Shirley, They Can't Be Serious!

She may now have to try to quit cold monkey. That's because there's no more cigarette smoking for Shirley, a 25-year-old orangutan (pictured above and below) who just got booted out of her Malaysian zoo for lightin' up one too many times.

But the thing is, it's not really Shirley's fault. Wildlife cops in the southeast Asian country say that zoo visitors were routinely tossing cigarette butts Shirley's way, which she would then proceed to monkey around with and smoke.

The wildlife cops told the zoo to clean up its act, but the only thing the zoo did to stop things was to post a "no smoking" sign outside Shirley's cage. Yeah, that'll take care of the problem! Not. Now the cops have moved the smokin' scalawag to another zoo.

And not only that, but they've also taken away all of Shirley's smokes! Threw a real monkey wrench into her habit, they did. Talk about sending a monkey some real mixed smoke signals.

Her new zoo director says Shirley's butts have now gone bye-bye "because smoking is not normal behavior for orangutans." Really? You could've fooled me, with the smoking gun being Shirley's pictures below and above.

Looks to me like Shirley could take a smoke break and go grab a smoke just as good as any human chain smoker. Monkey see, monkey do -- literally.

Apparently also outside the realm of "normal Orangutan behavior" is other monkey business such as nibbling on garbage -- soda cans, food wrappers, etc. -- as Shirley liked to do as the visitors to her old zoo slowly turned her cage into a giant trash can.

Sounds to me like they may need to put down the peace pipe and take a match to that damn zoo, which is being cited as one of Malaysia's worst. In addition to Shirley being forced to live in what basically amounted to a big garbage dumpster, there are reports of crocodiles living in "water-less enclosures" and tigers living in cages barely big enough for them to fit in.

But getting back to Shirley, I sure as hell would not want to be her zoo handler at the new joint as Shirley tries to kick the habit. Get a load of this recipe for gasper disaster: (1) A wild animal several times stronger than a human; (2) Suddenly deprived of her cancer sticks; (2) Without so much as a good aluminum can or stick of nicotine gum to gnaw on as she goes through nicotine withdrawal.

Given the giant monkey this nicotine fiend will have on her large back, methinks Shirley's gonna be looking to absolutely rip somebody's head off! I just hope she doesn't show some unsuspecting handler a new whole meaning for the phrase, "coffin nails."


"Politicos" Postscript: For my thoughts on the 9/12/11 republic partisan debate, here's a link to those:
