Virtually unprecedented things are occurring with this storm. The Governors of Missouri and Kansas have declared a "state of emergency" due to weather conditions. Illinois mobilizes its National Guard. An airport shuts down in Dallas, Texas. Interstate 70 is completely closed across mid-Missouri. Places of business that hardly ever close for an entire day -- such as malls and law firms -- are closed. Other businesses that rarely close at all, such as banks, are widely closing early.
And it's on a God-awful day like today, during the middle of the most despicable winter that I can recall, that I'm left to think of the likes of Al Gore and the democrat party and their incessant calls for massive increases in federal regulatory powers and federal bureaucracy under the guise and excuse of far leftist "climate change" legislation (previously called "global warming" by the American left, although not any longer).
How's that Cap'n Trade "climate change" bill working out for ya, democrat party? Since everyone's at home paying no attention to anything but the weather today, it might be a perfect time for Pigsnout Waxman to deliver to Harry Reid hundreds of pages of new amendments to the bill, and then try to jam it through the Senate when no one's looking. "Never let a good crisis [here a terrible blizzard] go to waste," no? I still recall when you guys rammed the health care monstrosity through the Senate on a snowy Christmas Eve in 2009. Can we get a redux with the Cap'n Trade?
Oh, but wait! None of those maneuvers will work. Not any longer. I forgot this is 2011 -- not 2009 or 2010. Well, it was just a thought. Damn pesky democracy, elections and ignorant populace. Now excuse me while I go shovel snow for the third time already today.
2/2/2011 Update: Sure enough today, Al Gore is actually trying to blame this blizzard on global warming! (http://blog.algore.com/2011/02/an_answer_for_bill.html) Fortunately for the world, the masseuse-loving (allegedly), Internet-inventing divorcee Gore could not more irrelevant these days. And while he may not be taken seriously any longer, he does work for a good laugh quite often.