"The Washington A-List was out in force Saturday night at the farewell party for senior adviser David Axelrod, with a roster of guests featuring Cabinet secretaries, big shot journos and – President Obama. As revolution threatened to sweep Egypt and possibly other allies – with the horrifying prospect of Islamism replacing reliable friends – the president was on view partying with the IN crowd."
Koffler also notes that the First Lady did not attend, meaning that at least "maybe she was monitoring the situation in Egypt."
Not that Egypt should take up all of Obama's attention or anything. Just a little damn pesky revolution that could replace a pro-American regime with a decidedly anti-American one right in the heart of the Middle East and a stone’s throw away from Israel.
As Obama and his administration might say: Never let a good crisis go to waste, and certainly never let one get in the way of a good party. Maybe today he can get in a good round of golf.