Meantime, the dude -- 43-year-old food salesman Chris Reiter -- was a married father of two who claimed that Van Brunt had "seduced" him (links to full story at bottom).
The fling went down at the terminally ill Reiter's home (apparently right under his wife's nose), and it looks to cost Van Brunt her nursing license for a long time after the Oklahoma Nursing Board suspended the license for 20 years. (BTW, if you're going to make it 20 years, why not make it permanent?). Van Brunt does have an ongoing appeal, however.
I had in mind to bust out some variation of an old Henny Youngman one-liner (from Goodfellas: "Patient with six months to live told doctor that he couldn’t pay his bill; doctor gave him another six months"), but then I read the very sad ending to this story:
It appears that Van Brunt broke the guy's heart when (after they'd already been between the sheets) she broke the news to Reiter that she was pregnant by another dude. And she reportedly didn't even spill the beans in person, instead sending Reiter a text message stating, simply, that she had been "knocked up" by someone else. (How nice).
Reiter shot her a text back (can I still say "shot," CNN and democrat party?) that said, "You broke my heart babe." Reiter reportedly attempted suicide after that, and he died a few months later. His wife claims that Reiter didn't die from his terminal condition (ALS), but rather starved himself to death.
The moral of the story: Professionals, regardless of profession, should never get sexually involved with patients, clients or customers. It could potentially impact the professionalism with which they do their jobs, and (moreover) it's just slimy. Rarely a "happy ending," I would assume.