Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why Can't We Do This to Our American Politicians? British School Teacher "Banned For Life" For Being "Useless"

He's 46-year-old Nisir Ahmed, and he's the one of three pictured boobs who's on the left. Ahmed was teaching business studies in Great Britain at a school attended by students of age 11 through 18. But no longer, after England's General Teaching Council (a government agency, apparently) recently lowered the boom on Ahmed based upon findings that Ahmed was "useless" and "guilty of serious professional incompetence" that posed a substantial risk of "seriously disadvantaging" his students.

But equally "useless" and "incompetent," it would seem, is the government Teaching Council itself, which reportedly permitted Ahmed to teach in English schools -- despite believing him to be "useless" -- for thirteen years! If some heads aren't rolling around that joint as well, then they've got some real problems.

So what did Ahmed do that was so bad so as to receive a lifetime ban from teaching in English public schools? Well, the list of offenses found by the Teaching Council sounds strikingly familiar and not much unlike the sort of thing we witness from American politicians in both parties on an almost daily basis:

Poor management, leadership and organizational skills; Failing to finish tasks after undertaking them; Poor ability to establish clear and coherent plans and objectives; Consistently working at a slow and non-challenging pace; Lacking "an appropriate level of insight on [his] shortcomings"; and being "incapable of ever improving his work."

Yep, that pretty much aptly describes probably 90% of elected democrat party and republican politicians, I'd say, including our current and most recent awful presidents. So why in the hell can't we just fire them? Oh wait, that's right, we can. And the assclowns in Congress have 10 days about until we Independents get started on that little project. And we don't plan to pull a Mr. Ahmed, either -- we're going to start the job, and we're damn sure gonna finish it.