Monday, October 4, 2010

Employment-At-Will Run Amok @ Nude Shoot:
So You Thought You Could Eat a Pastry, Uh?
In that Case, YOU'RE FIRED!

I don't care how pretty I might be, I vow never to do any nude modeling for Abercrombie & Fitch -- leastways not after having read the horror story linked at the bottom. And I don't care how much they pay me!

It's reported that Abercrombie really put the screws to 30 female and male models during a recent nude shoot in New York. During the week-long shoot, the models were allegedly forced to work 13-hours days, were paid peanuts by industry standards, and were given a palty 13-buck-per-day stipend for meals. But none of that was even the worst part!

The ad agency tasked by Abercrombie to police the models -- Shahid & Co. -- "monitored their drinking, eating and workouts around the clock." And reportedly, Shahid really took its enforcer role pretty damn seriously:

The agency gave one Belgian model his walking papers for committing the cardinal sin of eating a croissant! And from the quote in the linked story, it also appears that the model's coffee drinking also played some sort of role in the firing.

I can only speculate that these models were expected to live on bread and water during their imprisonment (errrr, employment) -- at least as much bread and water that their putrid per diem meal stipend would allow.

For these models, there has to be a less difficult career out there somewhere. I would think that even serving as a crash-test dummy or a janitor in an Alabama $hithouse would be preferable.