Monday, October 18, 2010

Crunch Time: CHAOS & MADNESS Sweep Through Political Races Across the Country!

This is high entertainment and should only get better in the days to come as we now stand a mere two weeks in advance of the 2010 midterm elections. Just the past few days have seen the following bizarre set of events and quotes from members of both parties (links at bottom):

-Alaska GOP senatorial candidate Joe Miller on Sunday had his bodyguards handcuff a reporter who showed up at a campaign event to try to ask Miller some questions.

-Kentucky republican senatorial candidate Rand Paul (like Miller, a deranged right-winger tea partier) refuses to shake hands with his democrat party opponent, Jack Conway, following a debate Sunday night (for his part, Conway during the debate accused Paul of once tying a woman up and forcing her to "worship a false idol").

-Obama over the weekend likens republicans to the evil Imperial forces from the Star Wars franchise, alleging that "the Empire is striking back."

-Creature of the House Nancy Pelosi gets set today to deliver a new speech in which she is expected to blame nearly every calamity known to man on George W. Bush and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

-The gay boyfriend (not that there's anything wrong with that) of democrat Rep. Barney Frank shows up this weekend and heckles Frank's GOP opponent, Sean Bielat, following a Massachusetts congressional debate.

-Senate majority leader Harry Reid on Sunday takes the insane politicization of the Chilean miners' rescue to a new lows, comparing and likening Obama himself to the miners' heroic story.

-Republicans Sarah Palin and Lindsey Graham, respectively, accuse Obama of lacking the ability to count correctly and of "taking over most of society."

And it's only October 18!!! I think the fun 'n games are just getting started. Hey, I don't call these people deranged right-wingers and loony left-wingers for nothin'!