Monday, September 27, 2010

It's the Leftists, STUPID!

The linked article from today's talks about the likely bloodbath for the democrat party in the nation's heartland and midwest come the November elections. And make no mistake, the people who decide your elections (Independents) are going to kick plenty of dems to the curb from those regions in November. But that's been obvious for months and months and is not my main point here.

Instead, what caught my attention is the way Politico completely pussyfoots around the 1000-pound gorilla in the room and basically ignores it (I wonder why that is, Politico?). Politico chalks up the democrat party's woes in the heartland to a whole host of generalized, highly generic-type causes, such as the bad economy, high unemployment, lack of jobs and out-of-control government spending. Please!

The overriding reason for all of the democrat party's current unpopularity with Independents has to do with one thing and one thing alone: The democrat party of today is way too far to the left. And that's exactly how the democrat party has dictated (errr, governed) over the past 2 years, all the while completely out of touch and out of step with the mainstream of America.

That is why dems will fail in November, and that is why so many of us Independents who don't care for the republican party either nonetheless look forward to voting against the democrat party here in about five weeks. Or, I guess you can just generically blame the economy, Politico (which makes you sound like a democrat party hack, BTW). Whatever floats your boat.