I grew up in Skelton's Missouri 4th congressional district, BTW, and I recall a relative who used to sport an "I Like Ike" button (highly original) back in the early '80s (yes, Skelton has been in Congress that long). To this day, I have no idea why anyone would purport to Like Ike, since what's to like about him? He's been in the U.S. House since 1976 (34 years) and therefore has long been a part of a broken DC political system that no longer represents a majority of the American population in any way, shape or form.
The linked story talks about how Skelton is trying to scurry away from his voting record like a rat in a Missouri farm field, instead focusing his 2010 campaign on the fact that he supports the 'ol troops! BTW, don't we all, Ike? Mindlessness. And what he's disingenuously trying to cover up is his 95% voting record with the ultra-far-left Creature of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Sorry Ike, but that voting record sure as hell ain't mainstream, and sure as hell ain't Missouri. Hopefully, the voters of your district will extend you a nice retirement gift sometime soon.
Now, these sentiments should not be construed in any way as an endorsement to vote for Skelton's repub opponent Vicky Hartzler. Honesty, I know absolutely nothing about her. To the extent that she's just another deranged right-winger and/or professed "real conservative" Tea Party creation, there's a very good chance I wouldn't vote for her either (although, as oft-stated in this space, I do plan to vote GOP at the federal level in my own House & Senate races in November because I think some measure of power balance must be restored to DC between these 2 very dangerous, extreme-controlled parties). So I guess my bottom line: I'm not necessarily saying to vote for Skelton's opponent (I'd need to know more about Hartzler), but I'm definitely recommending that you do not vote for Skelton's sorry behind. I see absolutely nothing that would indicate that he's in any way deservant of that honor.