In recent days, I have noticed Skelton's woes being documented twice -- in TheLedger.com's story today and in the past few days in a post on midwest political blog The Source (second link below). TheLedger.com reports that Skelton "has been warned by party leaders to step up the intensity of [his] campaign to help preserve the Democratic majority" in the U.S. House. Meantime, The Source reports that Skelton's seat "is now rated by RealClearPolitics as a 'toss-up.'" The Source further posits that the danger to Skelton's seat "may be a testament to his extraordinary devotion to Nancy Pelosi (95%+ voting record)."
I tried to warn Obama & The Dems in this space (as if they ever listen to anyone except themselves) that ram-rodding into law the massive health care monstrosity against the clear will of the American people would be the absolute last straw for so many Independents such as myself. I honestly can't recall the last time I voted for a republican. To the best of my recollection, it was in the mid-1990's in a couple of the local elections in mid-Missouri (when I lived in Columbia). Since the mid-to-late-90's, I have consistently refused to vote for candidates from either of these two extreme-controlled parties who do not represent the majority of this country in any way, shape or form. Instead, if I vote, I vote for third-party candidates as a protest vote (as I did in the 2008 presidential election).
But as I pledged in this space on Sunday Bloody Sunday, I will be voting republican in my U.S. House and Senate races this November here in JoCo Kansas since some measure of balance of power must be restored in Washington (although I do intend to stick to my third-party voting principles in the state and local races). And while I do very much look forward to voting against the wife of the absolutely pathetic outgoing dem congressman Dennis Moore here in my district (yes, he's running for the hills but stuck his wife in to run for his seat), there's a small part of me who wishes I still lived within the Missouri congressional district in which I grew up -- i.e. Skelton's district. Because much like Missouri republican senator and career politician Porky Bond, Ike Skelton has way outstayed his welcome in DC. I kind of wish I had the opportunity to join in kicking his butt to the curb in November. But I guess I'll just have to settle for the Moore family here in JoCo. See ya in November, Stephene Moore (or however it is that you spell your first name -- does it really matter?).