Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Fighting For Formaldehyde"? With an Opponent Making That Type of Headline, Porn Star Stormy Daniels Might Just Have a Chance in Louisiana!

This whole story reminds me of infamous funeral parlor owner and professional wrestling manager Paul Bearer (pictured holding the urn above), who formerly managed The Undertaker. Bearer was once accused by the late Road Warrior Hawk of using the embalming liquid formaldehyde as aftershave based on the nature of Bearer's alleged stench. But I digress.

The linked story below describes how incumbent Senator David Vitter (R-La.) (who will be opposed by the pictured porn star republican Stormy Daniels in the GOP primary this year) is fighting on behalf of the formaldehyde industry against the EPA changing its official assessment of formaldehyde from "probable" carcinogen to "known" carcinogen. Vitter is "fighting for formaldehyde" even despite "three major scientific reviews [that] now link it to leukemia and strengthen its ties to other forms of cancer."

If I was Daniels, I would batter Vitter over the head with this one come primary time. I can even think of a potential talking point for her: "I used to jump in bed to make a living, and now I'm out to change the way business is done in Washington -- And what we don't need is someone who jumps in bed with special interests to fight for formaldehyde, which the old way of doing business in DC!"