Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Battle of the Buffoons! Cheney & Biden Exchange Barbs This Weekend...

...and the thing is, they are both right and they are both wrong. When Biden says the Iraq War wasn't worth the "horrible price," he's damn right. And when Cheney says Biden is wrong in saying that another 9-11 is unlikely, Cheney's also right. The one caveat here, to the extent that Biden meant that another 9-11 using the same M.O. is unlikely, I think that would be correct. But I didn't discern that from Biden's comments. Yes, it's unlikely that the next big attempted attack we face will be a repeat of coordinating the flying of several airlines into buildings. Duh! Of course it will be something different, but eventually an attempt to launch an attack on the same or higher scale, even if not using the same method/tactics, will occur. I just hope to God that attempt is thwarted and/or unsuccessful. But it is coming, and only a fool would discount that.