Saturday, October 31, 2009
The White House Hypocrisy Train Rolls On! If You're a Media Outlet That Disagrees With Us, We Attack! But If You're With Us, WELCOME ABOARD!
(See link below). Sorry, this president and administration are an absolute embarrassment, much like the creature known as W that preceded him (errrrrr, that he "inherited"). Folks, Obama is just another politician. No more, no less. But what makes him so concerning to me is that he's the most radical (in either direction) president in the history of our country. Hardly change "we can believe in." Rather change we should absolutely FEAR, as I do. I have no desire to live in a European-model Huge Government quasi-socialist state. Nor do I want to live in a country where my government works to undermine my unfettered 1st Amendment rights. But yet, those seem to be callings that Obama is all about! He & The Dems scare the hell out of me. And this is an Independent talking -- an Independent who eschews the far right conservatives and republicans on a daily basis just as much as I eschew the dems. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE REPRESENT MAINTREAM AMERICA? Good God. In all my years, there's never been a time period that I would describe as Scary Days. Until now.