Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another Day, Another Example of the Tiny Little Tents Which House the Republican & Democratic Parties.

Today's example comes from the Empire State, where New York conservatives are beating up one of their moderate fellow republicans (link below). This sort of thing, to me, always begs the question of why someone who is non-liberal or non-conservative would ever want to join either one of these two parties in the first place? Especially since the two parties are completely controlled by their extremes and have no place for you if you are not a part of that extreme. It also speaks to the need for Independents, non-conservatives and non-liberals to start uniting with a view towards running viable independent and/or third party candidates for elected office. The climate in the country right now is perfect for this to start occurring (dems continue to lose popularity, while repubs aren't exactly making huge popularity gains). It continues to be a crying shame how so many people never question or rebel against the far right and far left dominated two-party system that we allow to control this wonderful country. But regardless, I'll continue to make it a devoted principle.