Saturday, September 26, 2009

Eating Their Own: "Liberals Seek to Defeat Democratic Congressman" For Being Too Centrist.

The linked story below details the efforts of liberal political action committee Accountability Now to bring about a defeat of non-liberal democratic congressman Jim Cooper of Tennessee. Folks, this is what the democratic party is all about. It is controlled by its dominant far left base, and to the liberals and "progressives" who inhabit that realm, there is no place in the world -- let alone in their party -- for anyone who is not also a liberal or "progressive." When you get down to brass tacks, dems are an intolerant, small tent party -- no more, no less.

Now, unfortunately, the republicans are no different. They are controlled by the far right and have little place in their party for non-conservatives. Just by way of one example: Free-thinking U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, a republican, is very much loathed by conservatives, the same way free-thinking Joe Lieberman (an "independent democrat" who caucuses with Senate democrats) is completely despised by liberals.

In our political system, if you think for yourself and let your viewpoints come out where they may, thereby eschewing the blinded world view of political ideology, you are an outcast with no place in either of the two dominant parties. Problem is, about 40% of the country does not consider itself liberal or conservative -- a block as big or bigger than people who consider themselves liberal or conservative. And that 40% has no party that represents them, no serious candidate to vote for, and essentially no representation in our political system. They also run into all kinds of roadblocks if they even dare to try to express themselves, as we saw this past summer when vocal non-liberal/non-conservative folks concerned about Obama & The Dems health care reform plan were labeled nazis, right-wing extremists, brownshirts, racists, etc., by the far left-controlled democratic party.

In sum, both parties should be absolutely ashamed of themselves, because they do not represent a huge swath of this country. And that's a principle to which this space will be devoted 24-7, 365 days a year, until the cows come home.