Majesty said today: "I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess." (See first link below). The repubs have, let's see, NO power in the federal government these days, but they're somehow standing in the way? But I digress. During a turbulent time when it would be easy for a politican to stray from core principles and talking points, Majesty keeps returning to the Blame-Bush, "just look at what we inherited," card.
So why am I crediting Majesty here? Because while a lot of us folks out here have moved beyond the Bush years and more and more view the economy as belonging to Majesty himself, he stubbornly refuses to let that old dog go. Just look at the headlines: Today you've got the guy who attacked Twitter blaming the Kremlin (second link below). A year ago, Bush might have been blamed (and you know someone would have tried). In South Florida, a man charged with possessing child pornography on his computer is blaming his cat for downloading the filth (third link below). Two years ago, a Bush conspiracy might have been blamed. But have no fear Majesty, if blaming Bush for everything starts to get old even to your ears, you can always start blaming Bo the Dog similar to the guy in Florida -- same difference.