"Brits slam U.S. strategy in Afghanistan" is the headline on Drudge tonight. That's funny, because His Majesty has not articulated to the American people any particular strategy or objective that's being pursued in Afghanistan. Instead, all we get are occasional generalized, superficial, veiled references to "nation building." That's also funny, since I thought the "nation builders" (errr, Neo-Cons) were kicked out of office last November?
But I digress, because looking at Drudge's linked Breitbart story (first link below) reveals that the Brits (a House of Commons committee) appear to be basically criticizing the U.S. for just what I stated above (as I have been in this space for several months now) -- the lack of ANY coherent strategy or objective whatsoever in Afghanistan. The British committee says that the international mission in Afghanistan has delivered "much less than it promised" due to the lack of any realistic strategy.
So here we are still with the status quo 7 months after His Majesty took office: No one, including Majesty himself, seems to be able to say word one about what the hell we are doing over there. Meantime, 3 Americans died there today, 43 Americans died there in July (by far the deadliest month for Americans since the war started in 2001), and Majesty just continues to ratchet up the troop levels. He has ordered an additional 21,000 troops there, and by year's end our troop presence is expected to reach 68,000 -- double the 2008 American troop presence (see second link below).
I don't know, but is it so much for me to ask and demand some explanation -- any explanation -- as to the plan and objective we are pursuing in an absolute hellhole into which we just keep sending more and more of our boys to die? Imagine the outcry from the far left on this situation if our current president was a republican. Instead, the far left just sits out there largely (if not completely) silent since their hero is running the show. H-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e-s. As I've stated before, apparently to the American far left, wars without clearly defined plans, goals and objectives are just peachy so long as a beloved democrat is in office. Well, I don't give a rat's behind which extreme is in office -- I ain't shuttin' up about this stuff.