Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hey Majesty: I happen to oppose your health CARE reform bill. What exactly are you going to do about it, pal?

Today I see that over the last 24 hours, the White House on its official blog is requesting that members of the public forward to the White House any claims that seem "fishy" from those that oppose the dems' health CARE reform bill. The White House blog states: "Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an e-mail or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to" (see link below).

So let me get this straight: Here you've got an American president telling citizens to go around looking for people who vocally oppose the dems' health CARE reform plan, and then to go report those people to the federal government? I presume there are two intentions here: (1) Cause people to think twice before vocally opposing the dems' plan (otherwise known as trying to put a chill on free speech); and (2) At the same time gather intelligence on those who are out there opposing the plan. Folks, the only era and word from my lifetime that strikes me as somewhat comparable to what's going on here: N-i-x-o-n-i-a-n. This is ugly, slimey stuff. But don't worry, they can't and won't shut me up any time soon.

Final aside: You have to love how Majesty & the Dems (sounds like a bad 60's garage band lineup) -- obviously after consulting some pollsters -- have this week stopped using the phrase "health care reform." Now they uniformly say "health insurance reform" (see the quote above, for example). Therefore, as exhibited above, I will henceforth capitalize the word "CARE" in all references in this space to the health CARE reform bill. Because that's just the way I roll.