...That, or some long lost Apocalypse Now outtake. The current numbers in Afghanistan? 57,000 American troops on the ground. 68,000 to be there by year's end. More troops dying seemingly every day. And still no explanation from His Majesty as to the plan we're purportedly trying to follow over there or why we need to continue to ratchet up troop levels. And, Majesty, why is one of your Generals saying today that we "don't necessarily need more [U.S.] troops" in Afghanistan (yet we keep sending more), but rather that we need to have more Afghan forces involved? (A statement, by the way, which makes no sense to me on its face, but I digress.) So what's the plan, Majesty? I think you owe us an explanation (as I've been stating for at least a few months). The American left has largely run for the hills on this issue, but I won't.