The endless coverage of Sarah Palin this week by both the right-slanted and left-slanted mainstream media has been deplorable. I'm actually now more sick of hearing about her than I am of hearing about Jacko. As far as I am concerned, this woman is DONE (stick a fork in her) in terms of any ability to credibly run for president or a national office given her performance any time she's asked to think and speak on her feet and given that she quit on her gubernatorial term in Alaska. So enough already! I realize how much you HATE her, far left, and I realize how much FoxNews LOVES her for both her right-wing ideology and her celebrity, but ENOUGH! Most of us no longer care, and/or certainly don't care enough to watch this kind of wall-to-wall Jacko-type B.S. coverage. Act like journalists, and not jackasses, maybe just perhaps for once in your lives, mainstream media.
Postscript: I watched some loon named Sally Quinn (Washington Post -- a very credible source these days) tonight on O'Reilly delivering the same tired far left talking points about how Bristol Palin "is fair game for everything under the sun" since she dared to express a viewpoint on the merits of abstinence with respect to a teenage female. Tell me something, Quinn, you ultra-liberal freak, did Bristol "open herself up" and "just invite" widely disseminated comments (defended by your ilk) about her being knocked up by some greedy womanizing steroid freak, as well as all the other vile, evil, hateful, wholly mean-spirited comments (having nothing to do with the merits of the abstinence issue) that I read coming out of the far left blogosphere towards Bristol? Hey Sally, why don't you go **** yourself.