Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And here's why I could never join the repubs (a corollary to my earlier post about how I could never join the far left dems)

In the wake of Specter's defection today, the repubs' far right power brokers, i.e. the Limbaughs and Hannitys of the world, made it very perfectly clear that there is no room in their B.S., out-of-touch party for anyone except, get this (I'm SO surprised), people WHO ARE EXACTLY LIKE THEM, i.e. Far Right Conservative Freaks! (see link below). Their world view (just like the far left): "All of your views will organize neatly upon a nice little vertical totem pole on the extreme I choose, or else you are not to even be considered a human being with viewpoints that matter." Do you really think I would ever join these extremist, condescending (much like Obama and his ilk), elitist-ass morons? Not even when Hell freezes over. ****, you, Limbaugh. You're not even a real Missourian in my view, you out-of-touch extremist ****.
